Data Analysis is Needed to Make Paid Search Analytics Result-Oriented

Talking about paid search analytics seem to be straightforward. All you need to do is to only drop a code snippet on your page and then go, isn’t it?

But, when you set up your paid search analytics, it is fairly simple, using data in a way to get maximum advantages for your business is pretty challenging. So, you need to think about it. In order to do the same, you need to understand everything clearly and then set up and evaluate analytics data in a better way. Here, we will discuss the following important points to verify the facts.

Attribution issues 

In this case, an individual spent $70,000 on AdWords for seven months. This made their account in great shape. Of course, things were arguably going well, but he was also hoping that an AdWords professional can assist him perfectly to take things up a notch.

Apart from this, the person also appointed an SEO Company and spent money aiming to increase organic traffic to their websites. This is something that seems to be going well, so it seemed everything was running in a proper way.

Even though they are tracking conversions in Google Analytics, they failed to keep a close eye on Google Analytics to observe Google Analytics was actually attributing those of conversions and also didn’t realise that numbers of paid search leads were being attributed to organic traffic improperly. More and more, it was also observed that they were actively tracking calls, which are their major sources of leads.

This made a complicated case for AdWords professionals to optimising the campaigns effectively. As they would make moves in their AdWords account and then strategic leads tend to improve.

Of course, this was the major problem.

The reason is, longer they worked on the account, the more frustrated they got. Finally, the professionals persuaded clients to allow them for setting up call tracking and then also took a hard look at the Google Analytics configuration. Once these professionals observed the situation carefully, they were finally able to figure out the whole scenario and resolved the core issues. Before the professionals resolved these issues, they also observed that their paid search campaigns were delivering an average of 28 leads every month.

Aiming to make things clear, they could actually find which keywords, advertisements and campaigns were driving conversions, so they were able to start optimisation their AdWords account.

After a few months, they were even able to double their conversion volume especially while cutting their cost lead by approximately 20%. Now it is quite clear that spending time to take the whole picture of analytic data was more important, otherwise, the whole scenario would be something else. However, it was also observed that SEO was highly effective for enhancing organic traffic.

In another second case, clients were blessed with good analytic data, but they were not capable of making use of it effectively. Though their campaigns were able to produce more sales values, they just could not observe getting their campaigns for churning out perfect break-even outcomes. They finally came in touch with AdWords professionals and they also increased their budget by 30 per cent with a hope to solve their problems easily. It is true that those who don’t make money on a sale, whether you have 100 or more sales. It was observed that their ads got 100,000 clicks and they were blessed with a conversion rate of 17.44%. So, the most important question is here, how many of these conversions are actually turning into sales?

Well, the answer may be only 1% tends to become paying customers.

This clearly revealed that they were actually paying for wrong traffic and also for wrong conversions. In fact over 40% of their total budget paying for those clicks that were useless as they never turned into sales. So, adjusting their main targets is just the easiest way, they could have in fact redirected that wasted ad spend and also cut their cost-per-sale by 40% whereas increases sales by 24%.

Opportunities for growth

As discovered through the data for options, the professional finally found something unusual. The majority of clicks and conversions were generally coming from several search terms. The most interesting thing is that it has very little relation with your main offerings. The above term clearly indicates that a large market is required for a service that the client would be able to provide.

The most important thing, there were no competitors for these search terms. The professional finally approached the client and then described the whole thing. The clients then decided to create some new offerings around the opportunity and also then built out several campaigns fully focused on addressing such unmet requirements.

After a few days, they finally observed their cost per conversion finally dropped. They had numerous cost-effective and also top-quality leads that paved a way for the growth of their business. Assessing their analytics data, at last, unveiled a growth opportunity and the business finally witnessed a major boost. They also registered surging profits and grabbed numerous opportunities for growth.


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