Types Of Facebook Ads

Types Of Facebook Ads & Ideas To Get Sales & Leads

In today’s digital age, Facebook remains a pivotal platform for businesses aiming to boost their online presence, garner sales, generate leads, and attract new customers. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a fertile ground for advertisers. However, the key to leveraging Facebook’s potential lies in understanding the …

Google Bard AI and ChatGPT

What is the difference between Google Bard AI and ChatGPT?

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, language models have gained immense popularity and are widely used for various applications. Google Bard AI and ChatGPT are two prominent examples of such language models. While they share similarities in their underlying technology, they also possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. …

Software Development Services

Leveraging Fit Software Development Services with Our Design Approach

Software product design services can boost the productivity of organizations of all kinds by helping them get closer to the end customers and learn what type of seamless, consistent user experience they value as well as how to adapt the product to deliver that experience. Making software solutions that are …


How PPC Marketing Is Very Useful for Your Business

Pay-per-click advertising is the most known form of digital marketing. Before creating any PPC plan or investing in any ad campaign, it is imperative to understand why PPC is vital for the expansion of online businesses. The main benefit of this marketing tactic is that it is recognised as one …

SEO Service Provider

How to Choose the Right SEO Service Provider in India

If you need an SEO service provider in India, make sure you get a reasonable price and avoid companies who bill significantly less than the industry standard as this may indicate subpar services. On-page SEO comprises optimising a website’s content, information, images, and HTML code to make it more search …

App Store Optimization vs. Search Engine Optimization

App Store Optimization vs. Search Engine Optimization: What’s the Difference?

App Store Optimization (ASO) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are two critical digital marketing techniques that have become increasingly important in today’s mobile-driven world. Both these techniques are aimed at improving visibility, increasing traffic and driving conversions for websites and mobile applications. However, while the end goal of ASO and …


Christmas Offers 2023- New Year Offers & Deals In Delhi, India!

The month of December is dedicated to giving, so you should begin thinking about your upcoming holiday campaigns as early as possible. Christmas is an excellent time for business owners to promote their best deals and offers to increase sales and gain new customers. Given that this is the most …


How to Apply Semantic SEO for Different Niches

A semantic search brings the best results by understanding the user’s intent & language. Search engines can comprehend the meanings of words & phrases and how they relate to one another through artificial Intelligence. Google uses The Graph to group entities and topics. This approach is more advanced than keyword …

Digital Accessibility

The Key Challenges in Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility includes designing content to be inclusive of people who have visual, auditory, or cognitive disabilities. Lots of people have one of these disabilities. That is why there wants to be a universal design with convenience features. How to Make Your website Digitally Accessible A few guidelines can help …

Local SEO

A full Local SEO Guide

Local search is influential for small businesses as 46% of all Google searches are observing for local information. If your business is not optimized for local search, you could miss potential customers who are ready to shop in your area. Local SEO is serious if you want your business to …

We Help You to Get Your Digital Marketing Tactics in Place

We are a leading digital marketing company and we utilize our digital marketing knowledge to help businesses reach their online potential and guarantee steady growth. For this, we have a team of highly dedicated digital marketing geeks. We promise clients, a dream to stay ahead while promising them market growth. …

PPC selling services

12 Most Important Pay Per Click (PPC) Trends In 2024

PPC selling services is a unit highly regarded among businesses. However, with new Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ways rising all the time, it is often arduous to understand which of them are unit price being attentive to. Many PPC services agencies are established only for this purpose. PPC selling services are typically …

Content writing

How to Improve Your Writing Skills

There was a time people used to write letters to their loved ones, friends, and those they knew. That meant writing was one of the older parts of human life we adopted till time. Everyone must be familiar with this field, especially those who want to become a writer. Writing …

Digital increasing

Generating the best Digital Revenue for Our Clients

Our Digital Experts provide Marketing Solutions that make you go very satisfied. We are the best Digital Marketing Agency, not just assuring you or promising but also delivering you the flawlessly optimized digital marketing idea, customized for your service. We help to Optimize and Progress your Web Presence Digital marketing …

Generate More Leads

Still Worrying About Generating Leads for Your Business – Here Are the Key Points

In this competitive business world, showcasing your products or using traditional methods of marketing and advertising is not enough. You need something more to make a remarkable presence and get a better opportunity for brand exposure. Focusing on digital marketing and advertising campaigning can be the best way, but counted …


Arun Singh, the CEO at ACSIUS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is Working Hard to Positioning the Company for a Bright Future: GoodFirms

To transform the web world into a flexible working environment and help businesses achieve their goals, Arun Singh founded ACSIUS Technologies Pvt. Ltd, as his dream venture. Read the entire success story of the company narrated by the ACSIUS CEO & Founder – Arun Singh in the GoodFirms interview. Based …

Increase Social Media Engagement

Effective Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement

Social Media channels are playing key roles in transforming business revenue and giving better exposure to any business moving on the right track of branding. In today’s competitive world where branding is more important, social media has become an essential way and effective communication channel. According to the surveys conducted, …

360° Digital Marketing

360° Digital Marketing Services

Digital marketing services deliver businesses of all sizes with a choice to market their brand at a low cost. From start-ups to medium enterprises to several location companies, a digital marketing company helps you expand your position and market reach to bid services to your clients, regardless of time differences …

SSL Certificate

Why Do You Need an SSL Certificate for Your Company Website?

What is the level of security on your website? SSL certificates are required to provide consumers with a secure experience while also protecting your company’s data. SSL certificates are thus essential components of every form of digital strategy, from blogging to e-commerce. The user must feel safe when making a …

Local SEO

Local SEO – Efforts to Making it Effective and Result-Oriented

When it comes to ranking local businesses well in search engine page results (SERPs), it is often described as easy as getting a website, getting listed on several online business directories and also claiming your Google My Business Page. Once you complete these simple activities, you can experience an amazing …

What Is Responsive Web Design & Why Is It Important?

Can you remember seeing a mobile version of a desktop site that required pinching and zooming to see anything? It was most likely not the best experience! As a result, Google made a tweak to its search engine algorithms in 2015, which now considers a website’s mobile presence as a …

Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development

In today’s digital world, mobile application development has become very important for any type of online marketing or business. The growing importance of mobile phones is nothing short of revolutionary for digital marketing. As more and more people use their phones and tablets to access the Internet, companies need to …

Graphic Design

How Important Is Graphic Design for Digital Marketing?

In this world of the digital age, graphics play an important role in increasing online visibility and thereby supporting sales growth and making your website more attractive. Visual content is used to communicate your message through images. It is for this reason that a website development company or agency offers …

10 Best SEO Tools

10 Best SEO Tools To Improve Your Ranking in 2023

SEO is one of the most important digital marketing skills. Whether you want to start a blog, eCommerce brand, or SaaS company, you need website traffic. And to get organic traffic, you need to rank on Google for specific keywords. So whether you need to perform keyword research, audit your website, …

How to use the Google Site Kit plugin for WordPress

Probably all of your website’s analytics tracking, performance testing, and other functions depend on Google services. Site Kit for WordPress is designed specifically for managing all of them, which makes it much easier to manage. WordPress users can now connect their favorite Google webmaster services with the official Google Site …


You Can Receive the Best Service Ever with SEO Outsourcing

You probably hear about the services of SEO which rank your website on Google. Still, it is undoubtedly time-consuming, and you have to follow numerous protocols to get an accurate result. There is a lot of patience involved in SEO, but hold on a minute! Instead of waiting, why not …


The Absolute Knowledge You’ll Get about Web Design is Here

Web design is the process of designing, conceiving, and organising material for use on the internet. Today, website design encompasses more than just looks; it also includes the website’s overall functionality. Web design also encompasses the creation of web apps, mobile applications, and user interfaces. A web designer is someone …

Youtube SEO

YouTube SEO – Secret Ingredient of Your YouTube Channel Success

What is YouTube SEO? YouTube Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing the videos on YouTube by customizing the value of the content, title, thumbnail, and description to rank higher in the search result. YouTube SEO measures the performance of your YouTube channel and ranks it accordingly in …

white label SEO

White Label SEO Services For Agencies

It is commonly known or heard about search engine optimization, and every SEO expert uses it to keep their website ranking high on Google. Just as white label SEO is a new way to promote your products in the digital world, white label SEO services also increase your customer’s involvement. …

Digital marketing

Guide to Digital Marketing for Branding

What is Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing, also known as online marketing or internet marketing, is a process where you promote your brand’s products or services through the internet. Anyone with a little knowledge of the business can leverage the capacity and vastness of opportunities of digital marketing tools to grow …

Facebook Page

How to Add an Administrator for my Facebook Page?

Facebook is a personal application that does not allow a third party to log onto your account – especially if you are outsourcing your Social Media Marketing to another country such as India. Luckily Facebook thought about that and many people can publish on the same page using the multiple …

SEO Advice

9 Effective Strategies to Boost User Engagement in 2024

Wondering how to keep users active on your website? Here we are sharing some tips that would improve user engagement on a website. 1. The site must be fast and refreshing. If it is slow, then the visitors will be bored, and they will instantly go to search for another …

Social Media Optimization

Why Should You Look for Digitalization of Your Business?

Every business, no matter whether a startup, mid-size, MNC or a corporate, is based on huge traffic on their website and of course on customers, who are increasing every day and making the existing list longer. However, they also realize that customer expectations have put tremendous pressure to change the …

SEO Trends in 2021

Top SEO Trends in 2024 That Will Transform Your Website Traffic and Generate More Leads

Search Engine Optimization or SEO, an effective way to attract consumers to your website through targeted keywords that are visible in search by staying firm on top of SERPs, is continuously embryonic and staying on top of the latest updates is truly crucial. It can be challenging and may require …

How to Increase Sales during Covid-19 Pandemic – Think about Digital Marketing

For businesses from all domains, it is a truly tough time to survive – mainly to achieve sales targets and reach the target audiences. Except for pharmaceutical and food products, almost every business and industry are facing issues in increasing their sales and reaching their target audience. Paying attention to …


A Letter from CEO of ACSIUS for Employees and Customers about COVID-19 Pandemic

  The Corona Epidemic has become disastrous – leaving human being in a situation – to think about only protection through social distancing. It is not wrong to say that it is an unprecedented time in history – with lockdowns occurring in different nations for weeks and even for months. …

Update Chrome

Update Chrome (if You Use) – Google Has Issued a Warning for Chrome Users

If you are a big fan of Google Chrome and use it for browsing the internet or for any kind of online purpose, it’s time to stay alert – Google has issued a warning for Chrome users across Windows, Mac and Linux with a new security fix. The security warning …

Google Chrome

What Is New in Google Chrome Updates Mainly Over the Privacy of Users?

Google Chrome has become one of the favorite and most preferred/used cross platform web browsers – released in the year of 2008 for Microsoft Windows and with the passage of time it was ported to iOS, Android, MacOS and Linux too. In order to provide users a better experience, this …

Facebook Marketing Trends For 2020 That You Can’t Ignore

Facebook Marketing Trends For 2022 That You Can’t Ignore

Though there were many email providers like Yahoo, Rediff and Gmail that made communication easy, it is the entry of Facebook into the market that everything changed drastically. It is the first social media platform that several businesses have used to launch their ads. However, there is also controversy that …

off page seo

Doing On Page and Off Page SEO With Modern Techniques 2022

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the only way of increasing traffic and getting good ranking in the search engine results (SERP). Those of webmasters who often segregate some SEO techniques into two important segments that include On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. What does On-Page SEO Indicate? On-Page SEO can be …

Google My Business

Reasons to Focus on Google My Business Services to Make Digital Marketing Better

Google, one of the best search engines, has truly given new dimensions to online marketing, internet marketing or digital marketing. It also starts new platforms for better social networking; while also shuts down some of its services. Recently shut down social platform Google Plus or Google+ is one of them. …

Earns Penalties in SEO

How Professional SEO Service Can Improve Your Website’s Performance

The success of the SEO projects is measured by the visits and leads it generates. The more organic visit it can create the better website will perform in SERP.  The main job of search engines is to provide answers to what users are looking for. The job of SEO companies …


How to Increase B2B eCommerce Conversion Rate

eCommerce has witnessed a transformative change and of course cut-throat competition with the beginning of thousands of stores – increasing count day by day. Scaling an eCommerce store is a bit of thoughtful work and often persuades owners to think about their position in the SERPs and other modes of …

Google Penalty

5 Types of Links That Earns Google Penalties in SEO

Do you know for search engines that crawl the infinite metropolis of the web, links are the roads between pages? By using refined link analysis, the engines can determine how pages are connected to each other and in what ways. The majority of search optimizers are aware of the fundamental …

Link Building

Steps of Catalysing Link Building Campaign

SEO constitutes numerous activities, link building is one of those. It is in fact termed as the backbone of the entire process of search engine optimization. Without effective link building, you can’t achieve your ultimate goal. Despite its great relevance, there are many people who still approach such components haphazardly. …

Being Likeable Helps You Earn More Links

Creating a link is the ultimate goal of any marketing campaign as it plays a vital role in enhancing brand reputation. The best thing about link building is that it is both science and art. Using certain new and unique techniques, of course, helps you surpass your competitors. The sole …

ecommerce Conversion Rate

Google Adds More Features to Test My Site Tool

Leading online search engine Google confirms that it has updated its Test My Site tool with more advanced features increasing its relevance to a greater extent.  Earlier it was meant to be used for testing the mobile speed scores of websites. Launched a year ago, the tool is now capable of …

Does Voice Search Really Have Any Impact on SEO? B2B Marketers Need to Know

Voice search is nowadays becoming the most commonly used tool for searching restaurants, cinemas, and many other important places. It delivers quick results and prevents you from spending your precious time typing texts for getting results. Voice search is mainly used in the context of local SEO, but it is …

Google Home 6X has an Edge over Amazon’s Alexa

As per the revelation of the new study, Google Home 6X is more efficient than Alexa. Everyone loves to compare two rival products to find out the superior one. There are lots of important factors taken into consideration, on the course of comparison. The study conducted by 360i concluded that …

Earns Penalties in SEO

Change Client Mindset About SEO To Gain More Business & Client Satisfaction

We handle many, many SEO campaigns, as you can probably understand from our customer list, but most of the time, apart from getting it ranked, we face two perception challenges. I hope from next week, my site will rank at the top for all the keywords we have chosen. I …

Youtube SEO

Finding Good Keywords to Rank Well in YouTube SEO

Videos are having a great capability of drawing the attention of people very quickly. On the other hand, people love to watch videos than reading articles. And this is the reason why video has become an effective and the best form of marketing technique helping businessmen in selling their products …

Google Warns Against Article Syndication and Content Marketing

The leading search engine Google warns digital marketers especially those performing activity like content syndication or other large-scale means – be careful doing it, as of now! The post reminds those who generate content published in various important places that, even without care, they could defy Google’s rule against link …

Know Importance of Location Marketing for Driving Traffic

There are several brands facing major challenges in the form of location-based search despite their need of customer segment and increasing store visits. Here, we will try to understand why brand location should be given priority. Following points will help you understand it clearly. Up to 95% of customer engagement …

What are the eCommerce Development Trends for the Year 2022?

With the ever-increasing trends of eCommerce, new advancements are been introduced to the shopping arena day by day. Mobile devices are getting launched everywhere and people are espousing these changes rapidly in their lives. Business owners are making huge profits with the help of diverse eCommerce trends. Now as the …

Dangerous Habits in Local Listing Might Get You Kicked

You must have heard about the Possum update of 2016? Of course, if you are in SEO, you must have heard about it. The most important factor which changed with this update is how Google started to make the geographical location of the searcher the number 1 ranking factor for …

Data Analysis is Needed to Make Paid Search Analytics Result-Oriented

Talking about paid search analytics seem to be straightforward. All you need to do is to only drop a code snippet on your page and then go, isn’t it? But, when you set up your paid search analytics, it is fairly simple, using data in a way to get maximum …


Does Google’s SEO Advice Always Work?

Google always provides SEO related advice based on current trends to help the SEO community. But, should you rely on this advice? Well, this article is going to explain several reasons in this regard. The previous month, the search engine giant Google released a video explaining ‘How to Hire an …

Digital Marketing – Tips and Guidelines for Startups at Initial Stage

Startups are said to have limited funds especially during bootstrapping stage. One of the most important goals is to mainly attract many investors so that they will be able to easily market and also grow their products or services. For the purpose of justifying their reach, digital presence is a …

John Mueller Advices How to Handle Temporary Site Closure

Though online world is meant to be always on, it still needs break for a little while. Google’s Webmaster Trend’s Analyst, John Mueller discusses regarding this through his recent blog how search engine optimization (SEO) professionals and webmasters can easily handle site closures or outlages that tend to last for …

Increase Visibility of Your New Business on Google Maps

Your new business needs the attention of its target customers to increase the demand for products and services. So, it is important for you to make the right strategy to increase the visibility of your business to attract customers easily and this will definitely help you in earning more revenues …

Effectiveness of Social Media in Increasing Online Presence of Your Business

No one can deny the growing importance of social media, which became today an invaluable tool for many businesses across the world, letting them connect with overseas clients aiming to help them promoting their products using various important channels. However, to reap advantages, it is important for you to be …

DMOZ Calls Off Its Services from March 14, 2017

The most popular open directory site DMOZ will no longer be available from March 14 this year, as per announcement of leading directory site. The directory site is famous for using human editors for the main purpose of organizing websites, has decided to finally call off its services. The site …

Importance of Blog for Your Organic SEO Rankings

The fact can’t be denied that a strong content strategy is needed to rank your keywords in search engines. So, you should take your time to sketch out a better strategy and make sure for its proper implementations. In case of limited budget, it is often tempting to put more …

Press Release

Is Press Release Losing Its Relevance in SEO Today? Find Out!

SEO involves many activities, press release submission is one of those having a great impact on the entire strategy. It has been in fact a staple in search marketer’s toolbox for many years, especially since the update of Google’s algorithms like Panda and Penguin. The credit goes to these both …

Link Creation Without Content – How?

When it comes to link building, it is not some mystical SEO hack. Building link is certainly straightforward – you can find some relevant sites having reason to link and convince them to link. Now the question is, why one should focus on another site links to theirs? For numbers …

Do You Think Keyword Ranking Matters Anymore?

A good keyword ranking is said to be the most notable achievement in SEO world. Many strategies and activities in fact revolve around it. Those of small brands and businesses alike hunger to receive the first organic listing in search results due to lucrative traffic and also some leading opportunities …

Reasons Why You Should Not Overlook Bing Ads

Today, majority of advertisers seem to be continuously ignoring Bing Ads. This is certainly not the right way and it may have eventually an adverse impact on their whole marketing efforts. In recent times, Bing advertisements have been capable of quickly implementing features and tools – of course, they even …

Canonical Issues Cause Duplicate Content

It goes without saying that search engines are getting advanced more and more. There is some doubts about it. Meanwhile, CMS-driven web where content can quite often exist on many URLs, it is not always clear in terms of the authoritative URL for a provided content. Also, getting content on …

Google Announces to Remove Phone Crawler and Error Report in Search Console

The leading online search engine revealed that it has dropped support for crawling the web as a feature phone and also eliminated several crawl error reports in Search Console. According to Google, “majority of websites generally don’t offer feature-phone-compatible content WAP/WML.” The search engine also stated that because of such …

Top Reasons Why Your Content Marketing is not Delivering Desired Results

Content marketing delivers a lot only if it is performed in the right way. The main purpose of this article is to throw some spotlight on various reasons that tend to make your content marketing futile. Therefore, if you are not able to take the right decision, here you will …

An Overview of SEO Trends in Coming Years

Social media and online marketing are considered to be two of the most volatile entities existing nowadays. These both are in fact subject to frequent changes and evolution, day in and day out. It is quite challenging for the world of trade and commerce mainly to stay abreast with such …

Ways of Making Your SEO Strategies Purpose Driven

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not only related to ranking keywords, but it is also, in fact, a complete strategy driving your business outcomes. In order to survive in today’s highly competitive business environment, every business needs effective online strategies for increased visibility of the brand. There are a number …

Website Designing Trends in 2017 – Revealed!

Website trends are something that has been always kept changing on the basis of users’ feedbacks, coding methods, SEO and more. The year 2016 has been good for website design with many people making efforts to come up with several unique and crucial ideas. Here people will run down a …

Impressing Clients as SEO Strategic Partner

Handling a client is not an easy job as it requires fulfilling their several obligations with strong communication. You have to generally assist them in several jobs like redesigning the site, online campaign globally and also on communicating performance to senior leadership. Sometimes, it appears as an entire week is …

Reasons Why SEO Fails and Ways of Making Its Successful

Those of website owners are expected to be familiar of search engine optimization (SEO) and its numerous benefits. It is called to be the most effective way of improving online visibility of any website and thus enhancing their ranking in SERPs. In order to perform successful SEO, you must know …

Myths of Duplicate Content – Reality Check!

If you ever get in touch with SEO practitioners, you may then noticed them talking about duplicate content. Do you know what duplicate content is all about? Well, you can get here an excellent opportunity to gather some vital details about such content and also several myths associated to it. …

Smart Ways to Use Social Media for Marketing Your Business

A bad social presence may be worse than none at all, so make sure that your accounts are managed well as it is imperative for attracting and engaging your target audience online. Social media isn’t something that will work if it is done at irregular intervals, and off-the-cuff status updates or quick …

Tips on Ranking Well in Google in 2016 – SEO Practitioners Must Learn

Change is the part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) realm. Of course internet is considered to be a better platform where a large number of businesses and companies can easily promote their products and services. And, it of course lived up to its promise. It is, meanwhile, due to the …

Four Regular Activities to Become Successful SEO professionals

To become a successful SEO practitioner, it is important to meet experts and closely watch their regular activities and find out what distinguishes them from others. After all, the majority of successful SEO experts cultivated their professional habits that other SEO professionals have not. Here’re all such activities. You are …

Google plans to introduce new voter registration search tools

The leading online search giant Google on Monday (July 18) green signalled of launching a new tool named voter registration search tool. Its official blog explains about the new tool and according to it, if anyone searches for ‘register to vote’ or similar keywords, then they will explore a complete …

Some Common PPC Mistakes DIY Practitioners Commit

Pay Per Click (PPC) emerged as the most vital activity of increasing traffic to any site and thus to make any business profitable. Being an important part of digital marketing, it is considered to be the easiest method of bringing your site on the top in SERP. This attracts a …

Do You Feel Selling SEO Services Is Stringent? Explore Important Tips

If SEOs are to be believed, selling SEO services has become more complex these days. Of course, we will focus on every responsible reason and try to explore some remedial measures too. Being an SEO copywriter, I quite often meet SEOs and they have a common complain about problems relating …

Four SEO Mistakes to Avoid to Prevent Your Site from Being Penalized

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is meant to be improving the visibility of your website in SERPs. It is possible only if it is performed in a proper way. A wrong SEO practice, in fact, tends to penalize your site and this finally makes an adverse impact on your business. We …

Reasons Why ACSIUS Has an Edge Over others

Why ACSIUS for SEO? Well, this is the most frequently asked question that needs to be answered. Located in India, the company managed to sustain itself properly in today’s roller-coaster ride of the SEO industry, which made an adverse impact even on some big and highly recognized market players. Some …

The 3 Major Roles Social Media Plays In SEO

SEO is deeply interconnected with online marketing strategies, but to repeat, there are some strategies that only meant for search optimization purposes. The majority of the SEO techniques, both on-site and off-site, double as divergent strategies; for instance, arranging your URL structure helps Google in properly indexing and understanding your …

Boost Your Local SEO Campaign Through Some Vital Tools

When it comes to local SEO, it has indeed an increasing demand in today’s highly competitive digital marketing world. There are several tools used for enhancing the campaign to get the desired results to a great extent. Here are some important local SEO tools that are vital to be used …

Five Modern Ideas to Improve Rankings of Your Website

SEO experts have the ultimate goal of improving rankings of their websites in search engine. But, in today’s highly competitive world, it is certainly not an easy job. In order to rank well, you need to think differently and also be possessing strategies making and also their correct implementation skills …

Google Introduces a New Tool to Test Mobile-Friendliness, Mobile Speed and Desktop Speed

The leading online search engine Google finally confirmed the launch of a new landing page that can easily test mobile-friendliness of your website and also its mobile speed and desktop speed. The specific tool aims to make it convenient especially for small businesses to test such features of their sites …

20% Mobile Queries Are Voice Based Search – Google Says

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has revealed that about 20% of queries on its mobile app and Android app are on voice-based. He revealed it during Google I/O keynote and clearly indicated that the growing number of mobile users in today’s time. This compelled the online search engine to introduce some …

9 SEO Checklists For Success Of Your eCommerce Sites

Ecommerce is the most modern way of setting up your online business and touching out the wide range of the market without hurting your pocket badly. When it comes to eCommerce marketing, an essential aspect that is gaining power with the altering algorithm of search engines and the paradigm shift …

17 Simple Ways to Improve Your Website’s SEO by Doing Less

SEO is a prevalent online marketing strategy, and so, competitive, but it’s consistently shocking at how a lot of business entrepreneurs and marketers choose not to engage in an SEO strategy just because of its superficial drawbacks or limitations. One of the major misperceptions is that SEO is costly, and …

5 Simple Ways To Save Dollars In Your SEO Campaigns

The majority of businesses believes in the long-term influence of SEO and engages in content marketing as well as search optimization for quite a long time. However, carrying out these will give an uneven pattern of revenue. The initial phases of an SEO campaign can leave you at risk of …

6 Best Places For Perfect SEO Keyword Research

Keyword research is the groundwork of your SEO plan if you aim to bring in organic traffic to your website through channels such as Youtube, Google, Yahoo, Bing and more. It is essential while brainstorming topics for the blog, persona research, or thinking about keywords to optimize your website. The …

Does Position # 1 Always Matter in SEO? Find Out Why?

If I say position #1 doesn’t matter always in search engine optimization, most of the people especially SEO professionals would think that I am a crazy man. As SEOs have main aim is to be on top to welcome more visitors and this helps them in enhancing the popularity of …

Google Announces to Expand It’s TV Listing Features

Google revealed that it is all set to expand its TV show search features aiming to cater to those expecting some entertainment options from the leading search engine. The new feature will be able to reflect the exact live show information in terms of timing and channel information. When users …

SEO 2016: Be Ready to Put More Efforts

Come 2016, SEO professionals must be fully prepared for working more to achieve their targets. 2015 was already experienced as a roller-coaster ride for the SEO industry. So, professionals need to continue their hard work even in this year, in order to meet and exceed the expectations and needs of …

Five Reasons Why You Should Not Trust Any SEO Company Blindly

Being an SEO copywriter, I am a bit aware of the hocus pocus world of online marketing and this compels me to express my own views in favour of both SEO service providers and service seekers. In today’s digital marketing age, SEO firms have only one aim to get customers …

6 Effective Ways Social Media Can Benefit Your SEO

Did you know that social media has a tremendous impact on search engine optimization (SEO)? Social Media is the most sensational marketing buzzword in this era with various platforms such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter and more which literally is lifting off a lot of companies brand presence. Basically, Social …

App Store Optimization – Explore Top Ten Tips

ASO (App Store Optimization) is basically described as an important method to ensure your app meets app store ranking conditions and also increases top of the search engine result page (SERP). This article serves its sole purpose of describing some valuable tips for app store optimization. Get details about your …

Google Announces to Bring Certain Changes in AdWords Interface

The leading online search engine giant Google has announced that it is going to introduce certain changes in the AdWords interface, aiming to enhance the experience of online marketing professionals. The current interface is a 15-year old that seems to be an old fogey. The major announcement came in response …

Google’s AMP – A Complete Overview!

Launched on February 24, 2016, Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) is the most popular Google’s project designed as an open standard aiming to make page loading process on mobile devices quick. It is something that basically improves upon the rational process of serving page loading or mobile content as it depends …

Google is Set to Boost Mobile-Friendly Algorithm in the Next Month

The leading search engine, Google has indicated that it is going to boost its mobile-friendly algorithm (known as Mobilegeddon) in the next month. According to webmaster blog, the new update is expected to roll out in May. Meanwhile, Google introduced mobile-friendly algorithm on April 21 last year (2015). The new …

7 Web Designing Trends for 2016 You Cannot Think Of Missing

The world of web designing is dynamically changing with new tools, technologies and best practices for creating usable layouts. A lot of trends that were futuristic years ago have now become old-fashioned while certain trends such as scrolling and responsive web designs are still illuminating the centre stage. Moving ahead in …

7 Silly PPC Mistakes That Can Waste Your Dollars In 2016

A good Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign can bring a lot of advantages for your business, enhancing its exposure while also ensuring that you get to have the benefit of increased sales. However, there are also several drawbacks that you will have to avoid if you are looking to use PPC on …

Google Launched a New Layout! What Does it Mean for SEO Professionals?

Google is known for exciting its users with some new updates and features. It is possible that you have noticed the recent updates from the leading searching engine showing now up to 4 ads above the desktop search results and at the same time removing ads appearing on the right-hand …

Email Marketing- The Best Marketing Tool to Reach People Globally

Marketing or branding is the oxygen for your company, without it, your company cannot stay alive. Marketing is extremely essential to get good business and get your brand known and renowned. People do marketing in various ways- via print media, digital marketing and a lot more. But now various techniques …

Social Media Marketing – Basic Facts

Social media is the most popular word in today’s time. Undeniably, it is a great platform giving an excellent opportunity to both advertisers and visitors to interact with each other to cater to their own interest. With the necessity of advertisement for any business, entrepreneurs are nowadays constantly in search …

How to Optimize for Competitors’ Branded Keywords

Now-a-days to have good traffic for your website it is really necessary to have a good and effective keyword which can help you to have a good customer views for your products and services. For effective SEO and PPC targeting competitors’ branded keywords is extremely essential. Knowing it to do …

Requirements For a Successful Link Building Campaign

When it comes to link building, it is indeed the most important activity in online marketing. Meanwhile, it is the truth that these campaigns are not complex and nuanced! Well, you may definitely be aware of the fact that these campaigns are alike and also need powerful strategies depending on …

How to Optimize Your Website

The website gets its recognition among people when it is optimized properly. Optimizing the website is basically increasing the website rank via a search engine. Website optimization is well known as search engine optimization commonly known as SEO. The process of optimizing the website makes your website to have a …

New Reactions Launched Globally By Facebook

  Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites where people share their thoughts and daily updates worldwide. According to various surveys, millions of posts are shared daily on Facebook and reactions or smileys are the most useful ways to express user’s emotions. The Facebook team researched more …

Why Google Does not Like my Website Anymore?

When you have a website, you need to have Google aware of it. Not only it is important Google knows about what was there last month, but it is also important Google knows about what you added yesterday. To set up now the vocabulary, crawling refers to Googlebot reading the …

How Does SEO Evolve with Search Engines?

In the old days, the way to get well ranked by search engines was quite simple. A good keyword could put your site on the top, regardless if the result page was satisfying the search query. The success of the search engine result page (SERP) was to deliver results matching …

SEO 2015 – Top Trends

Search Engine Optimization has become the most spoken word in the online world.  The SEO industry has evolved over the years based on user experiences and business needs. Businesses and corporates that would like to establish a stable online presence have to adapt to newer SEO strategies and tactics. Industry …

11 Ways to Kick Start Your Video Marketing

Are you about to invest some money in videos? Whether it is a one-time investment or a continuous marketing channel in development, the latter costing way more, it is difficult to evaluate the ROI from video investments as there is hardly any direct response to this type of campaigning. Your …

10 Types Of Content To Drive Crowded Traffic To Your Site

Content marketing is the backbone of online marketing. Your service must require being well-designed on internet to reach not only targeted clients but also approach non-targeted, potential & global customers. With the respect to hoist the victory flag of your business you need a plate of delectable content. Content is …

Google Panda Out With Its 4.2 Refresh Update Algorithm

Global Refresh will impact search results worldwide, not just English results September 25th 2014 saw Panda 4.1 come to revolutionize companies’ search ranking and revenue. Ten months later, Google has now announced the soon-to-happen roll out of its global refresh update – Panda 4.2, aimed at higher quality search results …

2015 Demands You to Stay Relevant In Regard To SEO

The globe of SEO is never stopping from revolving. It is always emerging with new types and fresh rules. It is completely not-believable that a decade back also, practitioners were involved in practicing black hat SEO, but today, there is actually no chance to repeat that deed. On this date, …

2015 tells you about new ‘SEO Secrets’ what are no more secrets actually!

Within just a few years, SEO has gone through an extensive research process. The experts are never off the laboratory to invent something refreshing with new SEO algorithms. Google’s all-time effort is to receive a satisfactory user experience. It’s completely unbelievable that just a decade back, everyone’s motive was to …

Google Panda Is Likely To Hit In Upcoming Weeks

The leading search engine optimization gives an indication of the launching of the latest version of Panda, likely to be introduced in the upcoming weeks. Google’s Gary Illyes has revealed that this latest strategy of the search giant. He also revealed that it will most probably take place in the next …

Mechanism Behind ‘On Page Optimization’

When we raise up the topic of SEO i.e. search engine optimization, only one thing knocks our brain and that is keyword optimization. The entire SEO marketing is thought to be dependent on keywords chosen out of particular business. Be it offsite optimization or onsite optimization, experts are always on …

Imperative Inclinations To Pursue Visitors

Having a website developed not sufficiently ensures commercial success. The more websites one comes up with, the much competitive, market becomes for him. On this date, every other one’s business gets enough of bandwidth on web, just because to go with boosted ROI. Well! This has been a repeat telecast …

We Can Serve You In A Better Way Indian SEO Outsourcing Company

The one and only reason to get SEO services these days is to introduce one’s business on higher-level domain of any leading search engine result page, i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.  The more recommendations your website receives from leading SEs, the much higher traffic your business enjoys. In this regard, …

Our Result-Driven SEO Strategies Go Easy With Your Wallet!

Internet is now speaking on top of its voice. It makes you voyage around the world in almost no time. Be it your personal social networking profile or business profile, you can introduce both to the global people in no time. People living in the farthest corner of this same …

SEO Outsourcing Company in India Soaring Ahead

With expanded rivalry, always showing signs of change calculations and internet searcher principles, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) now obliges much higher skill to handle it. Having understood this, numerous showcasing organizations like web designers, PR firms, web facilitating organizations, and so forth – all which used to complete their customers …

Future of Search Engine Optimization!

  Many people claims that SEO or Search Engine Optimization is dead now. Is it really so? What is the future of search engine optimization? Honestly with the updates like Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, Pigeon, etc. Google almost killed the normal conception or say misconception about SEO industry. The most common …

Top Mistakes of Search Engine Optimization!

Search Engine Optimization is a very lucrative field. Though a small mistake and you might lose whatever you earned through the efforts of years which you put on your website. Why to make such mistakes then? Here are a few SEO mistakes which we should always avoid. Duplicate Content No …

Erroneous Concepts About SEO Nurtured By CEOs!

  Higher ranking business executives at other firms, e.g. e-commerce firms, foster a few erroneous notions regarding Search Engine Optimization practices. Their ideas say that merely an SEO expert sounds more than enough to optimize their official business webpage up on Google. Nevertheless, this concept has entirely been discarded. Today, …

Find Some Fresh And Friendly Ways To Brand Yourself Amidst Your Busy Schedule

Time never listens to your voice. It keeps on flowing in its own immortal pace. Life has turned out to be a never stopping treadmill, leaving you with no-second to take a long sigh and watch your preferred TV show. How come, then, amidst of such busy schedule you will …

Top Digital Marketers to follow on Twitter

We always look to know more about SEO, SMO, email marketing, Google Adwords etc… The online marketing industry is full of marketers who speak always about something that will help us improve our skills and experience. There are so many people who give advices, the question is to know who …

Massage Your Piggy Bank With SEO Services From India

The journey from a display on a website to a sale is a long journey. Internet marketing is a way to shorten it and India is one stop you should investigate to save money. Popping a website on the Internet is the first step of a long, very long journey. …

When SEO Turns Towards Semantics, Your SEO Company Must Do Too

Until very recently, the idea was defining your keywords. Today, your keywords must define the idea. Semantic revisits SEO India. “Semantic” is a word we see popping in every piece of SEO news these days. However it is not a new word. We all know it refers to the meaning …

Google Algorithm: A cup of backlinks, a spoon of keywords and a pinch of tags.

The Internet is flourishing with exhaustive analyses studying how well each SEO factor correlates with the actual ranking. The ultimate idea behind is to be able to dissect Google algorithm and find out which factors are the most important to get ranked. All right, a little bit of math is …

Is Blogging Still a Good Method to Maintain your Website Position?

Social media like Facebook and Twitter are throwing a dark shadow over blogs. Social media are extremely convenient. The applications are very easy to use, the short posts do not require any commitment and the reward with LIKES, FOLLOWERS, etc. is instantaneous. Today, no business can ignore the power of …

Ways to Protect your Website from Google SEO Penalties

Nowadays everyone is talking about Google Panda and Penguin and how to be safe ranked in the search engine result page (SERP). I’m going to share some tips with everyone to do safe SEO and get stable higher ranking in Google. 1. Analyze your backlinks on a monthly basis: You …

Internet Marketing Must Talk to the Internet Users…

If the Internet is a shortcut to meet people and sell, the path to make people like your company and select the products the Internet has created is much longer and much harder. Today, there is out there a gigantic pile of competitors to buy from. There are so many …

When SEO Meets Search Engines and Users…

SEO has its one goal which is pleasing Google. However, Google has one goal which is pleasing its users. Some very successful SEO strategies i.e. making Google “happy” and helping websites to get sky high might be quite disturbing and confusing for the users. If you think this is not …

What does a Google Panda like or dislike?

Do you like pirates? I am not talking here about the outstanding Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. We all like him despite his cheekiness. Why? First he is charming as pirate, second his misbehavior stays behind a screen! Now, back in your real life, a pirate would be …

Google Traded a Single Dance for a Full Discotheque

The Google dance is a term people created to describe the positioning of websites going up and down over time. Indeed the ranking was going like crazy from low in the search engine result page (SERP) to high, to finally stabilize somewhere else. The tempo was given by Google in …

Keywords and SEO – A Complex Key Made of Words!

Have you ever thought of this search journey? No? Let’s have a quick look at it with an example I know very well. You wake up one morning and decide to make a nice dessert. You turn on your computer and type “dessert” – 229,000,000 hits… Mmm, maybe not, you …

The Search Journey or How to Go from a Query to an Answer

If you already read about SEO, you might have heard about the “search journey”. It is defined as all the sequence of events happening between the instant you have a question and you get the answer. The first time I saw this term I could not stop smiling. I thought …

A Serendipitous Talent or How Life Made Me a Search Engine Optimizer

This blog is described as A blog talking about search engine optimization to non-SEO experts. You might have read in a previous post that nothing was supposed to bring me into search engine optimization. This is true. All my university degrees say Life Sciences and I have years of lab …

Welcome on our Blog – A SEO Blog Written for Non-SEO Experts

Welcome, everyone. My name is Arun Singh and I am your host. An SEO Blog for non-SEO experts? I can hear you thinking  – of course, it will be complex because this blog belongs to an SEO agency. You are partially right. This blog does belong to ACSIUS, an agency with …